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Exciting you to LearnMore

We provide new learning pathways and on-demand services 
to lower costs and complexity 
for staff development.

Who We Are

Geflen is a disruptive digital platform that creates curated learning pathways for users as they explore the various topics and complex subject matters needed to gain organization-specific credentials. We empower visionary leaders and their teams to customize and carve out a clear path to certifications, sales enablement, and other business functions.

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The platform is for the multigenerational and busy medical staff who need to stay up-to-date with their required learning (e.g., credentialing, safety courses, or innovation within their field focus).

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Moreover, the platform empowers visionary leaders, public speakers, and their teams to customize and carve out a clear path to personalized learning journeys for their audience (e.g., employees, association members, medical students, clinical admins).



Our team works with you to create, source, and organize your content for seamless integration onto the platform. 


“I love how this uses the elements of Adult Learning Theory to engage busy working employees to take on Learning in a fun and engaging way.”

– Jane Kim, Ed.D., MD, Kings County Healthcare



“Listen, I’m older. You’re modernizing the delivery of education.”



- Rabbi Alan Ciner,

Tuoro College of Medicine



“Just like my Peloton is used to help me learn how to stay in shape via video engagement this platform helps me to engage with issues around my everyday life”

– Mark Rosenberg, MD, President of American College of Emergency Physicians


“I feel like Computer Based Training finally met the 21st century”



– F. Michael Toca, MD,

Wellstar Medical


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Key Features

For Sustaining Excellence

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Lotus Learning

Inspired by gamification applications, this rosetta web makes organizing the content you need your audience to discover easier to digest for credentialing, safety courses, or other medical initiatives.

Capability to Vet New Technology

The platform can be used to test and showcase new technologies that will innovate and streamline various medical courses and processes.

Empowering Speakers

The platform empowers speakers to curate talks and topics based on audience preferences and automated learning algorithms. 

VR Games

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